Photo by ANPIS FOTO 王世邦
The background of Midnight Playground is set in a city park. The work simultaneously refers to the utterly opposite spatial characteristics of the park in daytime and at night, as well as a public memory inscribed into the landscape of the park. Yang Jie-Huai and Lu Po-Shun imbue the park with a different memory and placeness—while the park is a playground, it is also a gay cruising spot. The artists adopt the approach of reenactment to portray the heterogeneity lurking beneath the public site, and bring together common plastic amusement facilities, sound, and video installations in the work to evoke the audience's bodily feelings and visual experience of the park by transforming the exhibition site into a theater-like, image-constructed space.
The timeline of the image narrative interweaves contemporary personal experiences and an unjust case of White Terror taking place at the Taipei New Park (now 228 Peace Memorial Park). As a public space informed by unique placeness and memory, the park serves as a contemplative point of departure in the work, which engages and immerses the audience in the constructed park in the exhibition to collectively reflect on the intricate and complex interrelations between fluid desires and spatial governance for more than half a century.
參展經歷 Exhibition
於台北當代藝術館《Signal Z》展覽展出
Featured at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei exhibition "Signal Z."
2023 / 07 / 29 Sat. - 2023 / 10 / 22 Sun.
金穗獎 最佳實驗片 入圍,台北,台灣
高雄電影節 國際短片競賽「台灣組」評審團獎,高雄,台灣
高雄電影節 國際短片競賽「台灣組」評審團獎,高雄,台灣
演員 Performers|莊岳 CHUANG Yueh、徐宇霆 HSU Yu-Ting
攝影 Cinematographer|阮翔雯 JUAN Hsiang-Wen
拍攝協力 Production Support|陳韋綸 CHEN Wei-Lun
歷史顧問 Historical Consultant|李禎祥 LI Chen-Hsiang
攝影 Cinematographer|阮翔雯 JUAN Hsiang-Wen
拍攝協力 Production Support|陳韋綸 CHEN Wei-Lun
歷史顧問 Historical Consultant|李禎祥 LI Chen-Hsiang
本作品由 Chi-Wen Productions 贊助製作。
The work was funded by Chi-Wen Productions.